1. What’s files required for SQLBase Server for Win32 install ? 2. What’s files required for SQLBase Client deploy ? 3. Minimum required files for connect to MS SQL Server 4. How I can connect to SQL Anywhere(or Adaptive Server Anywhere) using SQLDirect Components ? 5. What’s need for Open Client Library deploy ? 6. Can not load ‘SQLWNTM.DLL’ error 7. How I can connect to Microsoft or Sybase SQL Server ? 8. What's need for connect to Personal Oracle 7.x without TNS ? 9. Interbase application hangs in background (non-main) threads. What is wrong ? 1. What’s files required for SQLBase Server for Win32 install ? Below you can find required files for install SQLBase Server on Win32 platform(Windows95/98 or Windows NT).
It is desirable to place all files in one directory. Then you need to tune a server configuration, i.e to set up server name, country (if you does not use default setting), communication protocol and other required settings. The most important Sql.ini-sections for 1-User SQLBase Win32 database server are shown below. [dbnt1sv] This lines contain the following information. The server SRV1 is configured for TCP/IP-protocol and has database files in the C:\Centura directory. Now the server has a installed database TEST. For more detailed information about a server configuring and Sql.ini-keywords see Centura SQLBase Books (SQLBase Database Administrator's Guide). 2. What’s files required for SQLBase Client deploy ? Below you can view files, which required for 32-bit SQLBase Client. This client is necessary for a connectivity of 32-bit applications to SQLBase server.
This files have to be accessible for your applications. For this purpose, you can add SQLBase Client directory to PATH environment variable in autoexec.bat. The following lines contain a example configuration (from Sql.ini) for connectivity by TCP/IP protocol to SQLBase server SRV1, which located on computer with HOST1 name. [win32client] 32-bit SQLTalk is an useful utility for testing of connectivity. It requires the following files: Sqltalk.exe, Daemon32.exe, Csfedt32.dll, Sqltne.dll and Tlkc32.dll. For more detailed information about a client configuring and Sql.ini-keywords see Centura SQLBase Books (SQLBase Database Administrator's Guide). 3. Minimum required files for connect to MS SQL Server In the table below you can view description for the files, which are required for connectivity to Microsoft SQL Server. You can place the required files in Windows system directory (WinNT\system32 or Win95\system) or any other, which is necessary to add to the PATH environment variable.
If you will use Named Pipes protocol, then it is enough to distribute the following files with your application: Ntwdblib.dll and Dbnmpntw.dll. As since Named Pipes is default Net-Library for MS SQL Client, if Net-Library entry is not exist in registry. When you need to use other Net Library (except Named Pipes), then you need to import the following data(Net Library entry) in the system registry for connect through TCP/IP library (for example):
4. How I can connect to SQL Anywhere(or Adaptive Server Anywhere) using SQLDirect Components? First, you need to run SQL Anywhere as Open Server. It’s required Open Server Gateway for SQL Anywhere ver.5 and nothing for SQL Anywhere ver.6 (see SQL Anywhere Manuals for command line options). Second, you need to install Open Client Library (see below). 5. What’s need for Open Client Library deploy ? For deploying Open Client libraries you need to copy the following files and directories from full installation:
Also you need set SYBASE environment variable to a path, which contains Sybase client, and add drive:\sybase\dll directory to the PATH environment variable. You can add the following line in your autoexec.bat and change X:\ on your valid driver, which contains Sybase client.
Below you can see a content of Sql.ini for TCP/IP connect, where ASESRV is a SQL Server name, and SRVHOST(port: 5000) is a host with SQL Server. [ASESRV] 6. Can not load ‘SQLWNTM.DLL’ error If you try to connect to SQLBase Server, then install SQLBase Client and add your SQLBase Client path to the PATH environment variable in autoexec.bat (for example, set PATH=%PATH%; X:\SQLBASE). If you want connect to server other then Centura SQLBase, then place TSDDatabase component on a form (or a data module) and set a TSDDatabase.ServerType property to desirable server. 7. How I can connect to Microsoft or Sybase SQL Server ? I suppose you have installed Microsoft SQL Client or Sybase Open Client on your computer. First, you need to select a valid TSDDatabase.ServerType value (stSQLServer or stSybase). Second, TSDDatabase.RemoteDatabases property has to contain, for example, the following string “SRV:PUBS”, where SRV is SQL Server name, PUBS is a database on server SRV. 8. What's need for connect to Personal Oracle 7.x without TNS ? It is necessary to include the following line before first connect:
After that you can use a connect string '2:ORCL' for TSDDatabase.RemoteDatabase property for login without TNS. 9. Interbase application hangs in background (non-main) threads. What is wrong ? It is important to use a server name in TSDDatabase.RemoteDatabase property inside background threads. |
Last modified: 2 November 2013. Any suggestions or questions send to here |